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Result from liposuction
Liposuction results cannot get fully immediately after operation. After surgery some liposuction result seems to be visible but to get final results need some times.� Some people have misconception about liposuction for this reason patients need to consult with surgeon before surgery so that they wont be disappointed about the result and get idea what’s turn out.
By the process of liposuction the stubborn fat should be removed from different parts of the body. So just after liposuction patient noticeably more pleasing body contour result. It is very standard that initial liposuction result may be very minimal. Bruising and swelling add to the recovery to get a desired result. Compression garment should wear suggested by the physician which is helpful to reduce the long-term effects of post-liposuction swelling, bruising, and scarring.
After taking out of the compression garments from the body, patient can notify first result of surgery. Some of the swelling may still be present�and can last for one month. Skin of the treated area may appear be loose as it takes some times to adjust with the body after surgery. Stretch marks are usually an indication of poor skin elasticity. Swelling and bruising may be disappearing within three month and within six month the loose skin of the treated area will be tighten. Final liposuction result can be found after six month and thus patient will come to take decision whether the surgery result become fruitful or not.
After healing liposuction scares can visible of the body which may be most concerning of the patient. �Scars from liposuction are typically much smaller than with other cosmetic surgeries. �Scars can be minimized and hidden in parts of the body where they will not be noticeable. Within few weeks scars will be began to fade. But some times post operative scars may be permanent depending on the area. Lumps and bumps, asymmetry, and irregular contours are common unwanted results of liposuction surgery. Statistics have shown that 20 percent or more of the liposuction patient have to go second operation to improve the contour of the body in the liposuction procedure surgeon use a cannula through a small incision and unable to see where it is probing, so that sometimes it is possible to damage any organs like intestine. As a result infection may occur.
Patient should fully informed by the consult with surgeon about the post operative complex, swelling, bruising and different types of side effect. Some times the reputed surgeon offers the second operation if patient does not happy with their new look.
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Question from Nia: Are breast scars a turn off?
I am contemplating having something done like breast reduction/lift/or even implants (to lift), and I have currently changed by relationship with my bf to an open relationship so if i get involved with other guys, I’d like to know if the scars from breast surgery would be a turn off.
(guys only please-and none of that “if he cares about you, he wont care about the scars” stuff)
oh and, would natural larger breasts (d+, not necessarily perky) would be better than c cup perky breasts with scars… i do feel quite uncomfortable when i go out dancing and playing sports and going to the beach and pools and i cant stand straight and cant wear many things…. i a have a pretty petit frame-see Christina Ricci
Best answers:
Answer by Ysir
That shit is nasty
Answer by Nate
Yes it’s a turn off. However with a proper surgeon there shouldn’t be any scars.
I’m pretty sure Penelope gave us all the thumbs down. She must have some scars.
Answer by Goat Rider
I think it’s a turn-off.
Answer by Blaze
Yeah, they aren’t too hot. But, I’ve seen worse, and everyone has a weird fetish, I’d look into those who like scars.
Answer by Daas Goodson
Depends on the guy but the scars in those process’ aren’t that noticeable…. Yes
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