Breast Reduction Scars- How to Avoid It
For women who have excessively large breasts, cosmetic surgery is a common procedure to reduce its size but permanent scarring is also possible with surgery. Scars are something that we want to avoid especially for those who are very conscious with their looks. A flawless skin without scars is one thing that anyone could be proud of especially women. It is important to find a way to reduce breast size and avoid breast reduction scars.
Although surgery is a common solution for excessively large breast, non-surgical method is now gaining popularity because it doesn't result to scars. Breast reduction scars can be avoided with natural breast reduction method. There are natural methods to reduce the size of your breast and you do not have to worry about permanent scars. It may take some time to see results but natural method is safer.
One method to avoid breast reduction scars is through losing weight. For overweight women, losing weight can make a difference if you want to reduce your breast size. The breast size is greatly affected by the amount of fat in your body. Proper diet and exercises can help you lose overall weight including your chest fat. It is important to seek the help of a trainer to help you tone down your weight for smaller and firmer breast.
Aside from losing weight, breast reduction pills are another option to avoid breast reduction scars. Breast reduction pills are made from natural herbal ingredients targeting the fatty cells in the mammary glands reducing breast size. Natural method may need patience and dedication but this method is safer.
Now more and more women are into natural method to avoid breast reduction scars. Find out about the all natural herbal formula to naturally reduce breast size visit Natural Breast Reduction Treatment
To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Breast Reduction Scars- How to Avoid It. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
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Question from Dolkite: Should I shave my head even if I have a surgery scar?
I started losing my hair at age 17; I am now 32. This was a major emotional crisis for me and I underwent several hair transplant operations in my twenties to try and restore the hair. I ended up with a patch of thinning hair in front and, as the baldness progressed, it looked less and less effective. The surgeries have left a noticeable “donor scar” that runs horizontally across the back of my head, just above the ears.
I am resigned to being bald now, but I am not sure if I should shave it all off or not. I would never go for a clean-shaven look because, to be honest, I hate how bald men like Steve Wilkos or Michael Chiklis go for a “bald badass” sort of look and I’m already sensitive about being 6′3″ and broad shouldered. However, I have a pair of clippers and can keep it super short.
My other option is to simply let some hair grow in the back and sides and keep it reasonably short with the help of a hair stylist. This makes me look older, but may be a better option than having everyone see my scar.
What do you think?
I don’t think bald is at all attractive, but I have to live with it anyway.
Best answers:
Answer by KAL
I keep my husbands balding head clipped very short and he has several scars. I think clip it short and don’t worry about the scars.
My husband looks much better with the short clipped hair – I love it. The scars add some character.
Answer by lois
I think keeping it super short with your clippers is your best bet.
Answer by QuestionableCharacter
Cut your hair as you like and don’t worry about what other people think about your scar(s) Suggestion: don’t do the hair around the ears and back of the head thing, it will age you tremendously. Oh, by the way…
Answer by Mark H
I think it is impossible to say without seeing you and your scars. They could be minor, in which a very short or even shaved look would be best…or they could be significant enough that you’ll want to keep a little more hair. FTR, I started losing my hair at 16. Did the Hair Club for Men thing in my early to mid 20’s, then shaved it all. Most people seem to think the shaved look works fine for me. Confidence in yourself trumps your actual look 90% of the time.
Answer by foxhunter1949
You need and ego boost and learn to love yourself.
6′ 3″ ad broad is better than 6′3″ and skinny.
It doesn’t matter if you shave your head and the scars show, you haven’t got to look at them. Forget they are there.
Personally I think a bald head is a turn on!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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